The power of the eclipse

If there was ever a time to profit from the unexpected, the powers and spontaneities of the eclipses provide the perfect occasion to embrace such moments; solar and lunar eclipses are reknowned for having an immense impact from an astrological view point. Underpinning the reasons behind such impacts and approaches to how we respond when these moments occur will allow us to take each eclipse in our stride. An eclipse truly is a wonderful time to surpass any insecurities or personal battles you may be facing. Use the life-altering challenges that come with an eclipse to take some time to discover yourself on a deeper and more emotional level. You may find yourself dreaming about new horizons and wondering how you can make powerful alterations to develop and shape your soul. Let us begin by taking a look at the details surrounding an eclipse.

What is an eclipse?

An eclipse is when a heavenly body, such as the Sun and the Moon, move into the shadow of another heavenly body. There are two types of eclipse we must be aware of; the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse is when the Earth, during its orbit, blocks the light from the Sun, which normally reflects the Moon. Whilst the Earth is orbiting the Sun, the Moon moves in orbit around the Earth. Therefore, Earth is in a position where it is blocking the sunlight and preventing its reflection to create a shine from the Moon, creating a shadow on the Moon's surface. It is only possible to to have a lunar eclipse when there is a full moon at night. There are two types of lunar eclipse that you should be aware of so you know how to respond to these signigicant moments. The first is a Total Lunar Eclipse, when the Moon and the Sun are on exact opposites of the Earth and would be facing one another if it were not for Earth's presence directly beyween the two heavenly bodies. Hence, the Moon remains in Earth's shadow, resulting in little sunlight reaching its surface. A small amount of sunlight is still able to reach the Moon, due to the sunlight reaching its surface through Earth's atmosphere, filtering out the majority of the blue light. This creates the distortion that the Moon is a stunning blood-red. This signifies the feeling of fear and uncertainty that we experience on our celestial sphere, Earth. The colors of the moon during a total eclipse can alternate between red and earthy shades of brown depending on how much dust and how many clouds are in the atmosphere. The alternative lunar eclipse is called a Partial Lunar Eclipse, when only a part of the Moon 'steps into' Earth's shadow. The part of the Moon that is affected by Earth's presence and casts a shadow on its surface, will depend on how the Sun, Earth and Moon are lined up during the eclipse.

Fortunately, it is fairly simple to watch a lunar eclipse as a telescope is not required. It is entirely possible to go outside at night and simply wait patiently for the eclipse to happen and watch it in its entirety. However, the use of binoculars or a small telescope will most certainly bring out the finer details of the eclipse, which will be far more aesthetically rewarding!

The Solar Eclipse

Whilst the Earth creates a lunar eclipse during its orbit around the Sun, the Moon itself is capable of creating an alternative eclipse when placed between the Sun and the Earth during its own orbit around the celestial sphere. This is called a solar eclipse, and takes place when the Moon blocks the sunlight and prevents the light from reaching Earth's surface. There are approximately two solar eclipses per year and, during the event, the Moon is capable of casting two types of shadow on Earth. The first of these is called an umbral shadow, the darkest possible from an eclipse, which gets smaller the closer the Moon reaches Earth. The second is called a penumbral shadow, which will only create a partial shadow depending what direction someone viewing the eclipse is facing while standing on Earth.

There are three main types of solar eclipses to be aware of, the first being a Total Solar Eclipse. A total eclipse is only visible from a small area on Earth's surface, with the people who are able to witness the event being in the center of the Moon's shadow when the eclipse hits Earth. In order for a total eclipse to take place, all three heavenly bodies must be directly in line with one another. This results in the sky going dark and will appear as if it is nighttime when in fact there should be day light. A total solar eclipse will take place every 18 months and, unlike a lunar eclipse, will only last a fleeting few minutes. The second eclispe to be aware of is a Partial Solar Eclipse, which, like a partial lunar eclipse, is when the Sun, Earth and Moon are not directly in line, meaning the surface of the Earth will only partially be shadowed by the Moon. The area in which the shadowing takes place will depend on the exact position of the moon in relation to the Sun and the Earth. The final eclipse is the Annular Solar Eclipse, which takes place when the Moon is farthest from the Earth. This distance means that the Moon appears smaller from Earth's point of view. It does not block the entirety of the Sun, but instead resembles a small, dark cylindrical disk inside a larger, Sun colored disk. The effect is the appearance of a fiery ring around the Moon in the sky.

Please take serious precaution if you intend to watch a solar eclipse and use the necessary safety equipment so as to avoid injury. Remember, looking directly at the sun light can cause permanent damage to your eyes!

What does this mean astrologically?

Solar and lunar eclipses are not only breathtaking moments in terms of the natural world and our universe, they are also tremendously poignant astrologically due to the effects the eclipses can have on our personal lives. Eclipses are considered as one of the most dominant transits during the 365 day year; with their effects continuing long after the solar or lunar eclipse has come and gone.

The next total lunar eclipse to take place will be October 28 2023.

Eclipses are notorious for bringing about change and for shuddering our lives in a very unexpected way. This can often mean that nerveracking yet appealing possibilities are around the corner thanks to the powerful effects of the eclipses. Remaining stuck in a rut can leave us feeling uncomfortable and like we are lacking direction. It is for that reason that, even if the events that come with an eclipse can feel daunting, the results may be exactly what you needed to boost your confidence and take the plunge into the depths of the unknown. Eclipses occur between four and six times per year, and can leave us feeling like life has been turned upside down and everything is happening all at once. During this moment of bewilderment, we may start to notice differences in how we react to things and we may be aware of negativities and disturbances. For this reason, before you make any significant decisions, I encourage you to leave some time before and after the eclipse takes place so the effects can settle.

Each eclipse presents itself differently and, therefore, has a variety of consequences on daily life. The two most prominent types of eclipse, the solar and the lunar eclipses, both present distinctive transformations and can leave a trail of complicated aftermath. More often than not, solar eclipses are an excuse to search for new beginnings, making them a slightly more positive experience. Happenings will be sudden, unexpected, and distinctive according to each individual's natal chart. This is because a solar eclipse essentially blocks light out, leaving us feeling disoriented and as if it is possible to see things from a different perspective. You may suddenly feel the impulse to consider things in a new light, alternative to how you would normally act. There is a lot of potential to use a solar eclipse to grow both physically and emotionally. It is the perfect time to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.

On the other hand, a lunar eclipse can be a lot more sentimental. They have the capacity to bring closure on a particular chapter in your life or end something you are not ready to accept is final. All of a sudden, time feels like it is escaping us and we may react drastically or without consideration of the consequences of our actions. Past hopes and wishes that you may have previously felt could appear regularly in your thoughts or even in your dreams, leaving you emotional and more pensive. The intense shades of red that permeate the moon during a total lunar eclipse reflects how we feel about ourselves, forcing us to be highly analytical about our flaws and our weaknesses. During this time, it is crucial that we do not try to escape these feelings, instead we should take a long, hard look in the mirror and embrace the aspects of our lives that are causing fear. Try to grasp any doubts or issues you may be having with self-confidence during the time of a lunar eclipse, and attempt to accept yourself, including your flaws!

During an eclipse where our sunlight is blocked, our spirituality is forced to surface and we are encouraged to have a period of soul-searching. Meaningful life events are often part of that soul-searching period and sudden twists, turns, and challenges are to be expected. The power of eclipses can bring colossal changes to one's life, including: potential pregnancies, divorces, marriage proposals, professional breakthroughs, important travel plans, or any other life-altering events that may cause a shock to your system. The reason for these monumental adjustments in life is that an eclipse is the universe's way of trying to take your life forward and throw you into the new realms of what awaits you in the future. This theory also applies to your loved ones; therefore, if you do not notice significant changes in your own life during the eclipse, be aware of others around you so you can take note of occasions where their lives have also been altered.

It is important to remember that not all transformational moments during an eclipse are instantaneous. On the contrary, a number of differences can take months to develop and make themselves apparent. For that reason, during any eclipse, try to take things slowly so you can fully evaluate each moment as it happens and take small steps towards your reactions. Remaining calm will ensure a harmonious transit during each eclipse and will ensure you gain something out of each natural wonder!